Arque West
Arque West is an Arque facility featured towards the end of Estranged: Act I, and is where events pivotal to the final act of the game take place.
It is entered by the Fisherman using a cave system accessed via a dangerous path along coastal cliffs, leading to a keycode-protected bunker door.
It is thought to be in a state of disrepair, implied by debris strewn around a flooded facility, infested by Infected humans.
The facility provides basic tellecommunications equipment, however its low power means it is susceptible to radio jamming. This is discovered by George Richmond, who tries to transmit an S.O.S. message but finds the higher-powered Satellite Station is preventing transmission.
Arque West is joined to an Arque-owned warehouse facility, where the final battle of Estranged: Act I takes place.
- Thomas Cooke - Presumed to be a new member of the on-site catering team
- David Stokes - Arque Lead Hazard Engineer
- William Short - Line manager of Christian Plithe
- Christian Plithe - Victim of workplace harassment
- Judy Ferrand - Pets Are Us veterinarian administration assistant
- Yanto Ward - Arque West generator operator
- Francis Robella - Victim of workplace lunch theft
- Nigel Heathcoat - Detector of a negative workplace aroma
- Jonathan Billy - Arque West Warehouse Operator
- David Graven - Arque West Warehouse Supervisor
- Jeff Herband - Arque West Warehouse Manager
The images below feature in the Arque West offices.